domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Vampire = Bat

A compulsive vampire to me made life impossible. Took advantage of my doing everything for me I did not realize. He said he loved me, that I would never leave, but since he bit my neck and had wild night, and not hear anything more of it.
He put my shirt, two sweatshirts, one black and one white, one bag and underwear. I fell into the trap of selling my own console to win a little money and could sleep in a bed. Finally, I finished being a T-shirt I own.
Two nights we slept together, one in my house and one in a hotel. I came to love him very much.
Today I saw a bat all the time hovered above me. Would the vampire compulsive liar that I love and I just making life impossible, to know what i was doing at the time but I recognize?
Do not ever put your trust in people and less about vampires so good.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Same DNA

We all have a similar DNA, and that means that we are all people. We have the same rights to fuck, kiss, laugh, love and enjoy.
We live in a world of insecurities, and we must learn to love ourselves as we are, we were born to be brave. We were born this way.
We need a world in which we could express each as we wanted. 
The only people who do not have the same DNA, are man wolfes. Man wolfes, have no particle of love. Jesus Christ it off to bury them, and do demage to all normal people of the city. Hence no man wolf is known to love a man, and all I know to do is make then suffer.

- Particules de l'amour D

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Love and fear.

I'm jealous because man wolfes are all equal. All excuses or say that's what I think. 
In the summer of 2011 was when the man wolfes began to scratch my arm. The funny thing is that he always did in the same arm, in the left arm, the side  where the heart is. Little by little, they want to break my heart. 
Today at 22 hours, a man wolf returned to scratch my arm. Why always take with me when I fall for a man wolf? Many couples are happy to be man wolfes both, but being the only boy I normal people is not happening to me.
It seems that no blood runs from my arm. The left hand is cold and scratches my itch. 
The claws of the man wolfes have a liquid inject you when scratching. That liquid serves to let you scar and you remember them. 
Ended up with my life, but I will not kill them.