lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

I have moments, which I want to return to the castle of chocolate

Yes, is a castle of chocolate, and it not the history of Hansel and Gretel, it is my history.
I shut in myself in the castle in order that man wolf will liberate me. 
Last wednesday, I liberate a French wolf man, and it made me spend one of my moments more nice of my life. But little by little, I am sinking and desire enter me of shutting in myself again in the castle of chocolate. Only I can see him every wednesday (not all) and I die.
A castle of chocolate, of this that in bites can eat up, but on having been inside, does not smell tio chocolate, smells to Thierry Muglers' fragance (Angel). I am for buying the colony, to begin it when it is spending bad moments, and to think that I am enclosed in. 
In this castle, only I have a cigar for 2 eternal months, and one ends up by smoking it the first day.
The man wolf, did not have to move land and sea to be able to rescue myself, had it very easy. It did not have to do great thing in order that I was falling in love of, I am mad for.

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